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Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 9:22pm
Captain Remy Johansen
Name Remy Johansen
Position Captain
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 37 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'7" | |
Weight | 135 | |
Hair Color | Red | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Small frame, but solid muscle. She regularly practices tactical drills in high gravity to stay in shape. |
Spouse | N/A | |
Children | None | |
Father | Michael Johansen (Deceased) | |
Mother | Jessica Johansen | |
Brother(s) | Wyatt | |
Other Family | Nieces: Camilla 10, Carson 7 |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Remy calls things like she sees them, good or bad and has little interest in playing politics or trying to win a popularity contest. She can be a bit of an idealist, hoping for the best in people, but she has seen enough in her life that she usually knows when to put her guard up. She is authentic, willing to own up to mistakes, and fiercely loyal to those who have earned her trust. She can get lost in work. When an active mission is going on, she requires very little sleep and runs on a continuous rush of adrenaline. This does eventually catch up to her. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Honesty, loyalty, true to her beliefs, not afraid to lead, has science and tactical training. Weaknesses: Lack of verbal filter can be abrasive, Keeps an emotional guard up, especially with romantic relationships, stubborn, tends to not put things away |
Ambitions | Her primary goal is be part of the movement that helps Starfleet find its way again. She strives to maintain positive morale on her ship, putting the needs of her crew first, and trying to be sensitive to helping them have a work life balance. |
Hobbies & Interests | Ground combat or search and rescue training exercises (her workouts), Social dancing (swing, ballroom, etc.), Old earth novels, meeting up for a drink after shift |
Personal History | Remy was born to Michael and Jessica Johansen in 2355. Both of her parents were Starfleet officers. As a young child she and her younger brother, Wyatt spent most of their time on Earth. When Wyatt was born Remy's father took a position as an engineer at the Mars shipyards, and her mother worked as a physician and medical researcher at Starfleet Medical. Ahead of the first Galaxy class starships launched in 2363, Remy's parents applied for positions, and from that point forward Remy's childhood was spent mostly on starships. Remy and her brother became closer as the kids experienced life on board a starship. Their friends would often come and go - or they would be the ones leaving, as parents got reassigned. After having to say goodbye to more than one close friend, Remy learned to put an emotional guard up so she wouldn't have to feel the sting of watching someone leave again. There was never a question that Remy would join Starfleet, it just so happened that she became of age during a time of war. Remy entered Starfleet Academy in 2370. While she was a student, the Dominion War broke out, infiltrating even to the Academy. She was still a student at the Academy when she learned that her father was a casualty of the war. Thankfully, her mother made it off the ship in an escape pod. At Starfleet Academy Remy was part of a group chosen to be put into active service during the war. As a science officer, Remy's specialty was (still would be) bioengineering. Specifically, her roles on Special Ops teams involved following up on tips regarding potentially hostile groups developing biogenic weapons, and trying to develop broad ways to counter potential attacks. After the Dominion War was over, her research began diving deep into silicon based pathogens, and what sort of scientific developments could be used to counter their attacks on humanoid life. Her special operations assignments would have her tracking down tips into biological weapons being developed in remote areas under control by hostile powers in order to further her research. In the early 2380's synth technology was already in use in the medical field to cure a variety of ailments involving the central nervous system. Remy and a small team of other scientists were pulling together a way to use similar technology to repair and stabilize immune systems. Her team was given a contract to begin their research at Daystrom in February of 2385, only to have it axed by Starfleet before April 1st, as part of the larger umbrella of the "synth ban" even though most of the medical practical uses in play had nothing to do with artificial intelligence. This was a huge blow to Remy both in her professional aspirations, but also in her personal life. With the Daystrom appointment, she had also thought to finally settle down with her long term partner and start a family together. Settling down just wasn't in the stars for Remy. She took a position as Chief Science Officer on board the USS Missouri and dug her heels into working toward the Command Track, determined that whatever was happening with Starfleet could only be corrected if people like her stuck with it and fought to change from within. This drove a wedge in her relationship - her off and on again romance with Daniel continuing for far too long into the next years, neither wanting to acknowledge the truth - that despite their love and passion for one another they wanted completely different things in life. Remy walked onto the Astrea while it was in drydock undergoing a major refit while it still bore another name expecting to be its first officer and ended up taking it out for her first mission as the USS Astrea without a shakedown cruise as Acting Captain. Shortly after, Starfleet made her command official, and she took command of the ship. |
Service Record | 2370: Entered Starfleet Academy 2373: Assigned to USS Intrepid, Cadet, Dominion War 2374: Graduated Starfleet Academy, no ceremony, continued service on Intrepid. 2375-2378: USS Intrepid, Science Officer, Special Ops Team. 2378-2385 (March): USS Excelsior, Assistant Chief Science Officer 80-82, Chief Science Officer 82-85, Special Ops February - April 2385 Daystrom Institute May 2385-2388: USS Missouri, Chief Science Officer, 2386, 2nd Officer 2388-2389: USS Luna, First Officer 2389 - Present: USS Astrea Commanding Officer |