Welcome to the USS Astrea!
It is early 2389, approximately 18 months after the Romulan Star went supernova. The major superpowers of the Alpha and Beta quadrants have all but fallen. Starfleet still hasn’t recovered from one of its darker moments in history. There is still a ban on all synth research and the fleet is still regrouping after the Mars shipyard was destroyed in the synth attack. The USS Astrea was pulled out of retirement and among other updates, refitted with an early version of the slipstream drive. The Astrea’s official assignment is to patrol the Federation worlds along the Romulan neutral zone in the vicinity of the supernova’s impact. Starfleet’s official orders are to maintain security and order, and to ensure that Federation law is being complied with.
However, the Command Staff of the Astrea took their oaths before Starfleet lost its way, and they firmly believe that it will find its way back. Despite its primary mission of security, and its persistent message to stay out of Romulan affairs, the senior staff look for opportunities for their crew to provide humanitarian relief, engage in positive culture exchanges, and experience the wonders of science and exploration. This is not an easy task in the current political climate as there will be roadblocks, including rogue criminal activity, enemy forces gaining power, and internal conflicts within Starfleet.
Mission Status: Astrea is near Freecloud. Teams have been dispatched and are investigating both a threat of a potential biogenic weapon, as well as a lead on a possible missing Starfleet vessel. The crew is seeking to verify possible evidence that a Starfleet vessel that has been missing for nine years may located in the Alpha Doradus system, just outside of Federation Space. Unfortunately, if the information is correct, then the Pakleds are seeking to purchase what is left of this vessel and may be a step ahead of Astrea.
Meanwhile, Intelligence has been picking up increased activity from the Nausicaans, likely looking to take advantage of the vacuum created in the balance of powers in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. There is a potential that biological and chemical weapons may be in development. The USS Astrea is equipped with one of the more advanced science and medical departments since the last refit and they carry a Marine contingent; therefore, they are one of several ships tasked with monitoring the situation and respond as necessary.
We are always looking for fellow writers interested in taking their character(s) on a journey in this world by participating in mission assignments and developing their own stories and writing side stories and character developments pieces with other writers. A lot of the writers here keep a fairly fast pace, but we only ask that you be involved with a minimum of two posts per month, so there are opportunities to write a slower place if you choose.
We are an inclusive, LGBTQ friendly group and welcome all players 18 and older. Please join us on Discord to meet other players and learn more about the sim. We are a 2-2-2 18+ Sim in Theta Fleet.

Latest News Items
» New Website, Mission Updates, & Crew Accolades
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 10:31pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News
Hello All,
It is March, which in the Midwest (United States) means that Spring is around the corner, just after False Spring and Second and Third Winters. It's also a time of change. We change our clocks, AND, we're changing websites! While both old and new websites are working now, I would encourage everyone to change your bookmarks, and clear your cache, and update your Astrea page to:
I have already updated the site's default email, so you may have noticed more updates going to Spam. If this is undesirable, I believe that once you mark a few of…
» Happy Anniversary!
Posted on Sat Jan 25th, 2025 @ 7:11pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News
The USS Astrea turned 1 year old this month! A huge thanks to those that believed in me and helped get the sim off of the ground from the very beginning as well as to all of those that we picked up along the way. Our first year was more successful than I could have ever managed, and it is all because of the fabulous people who have come on board creating such a warm and inviting atmosphere of friendship, camaraderie, and creativity.
Each and everyone of you stayed dedicated to bringing this world and your characters to life month…
» The End of the Year is Near
Posted on Sat Dec 14th, 2024 @ 4:56pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News
I don't even know what to say, guys. Astrea launched in early January, and I am astonished by our success. I am so incredibly thankful for my friends who had faith to start this journey with me, and for the new friends we've picked up along the way. I hope you have all had fun, and I am just so incredibly thankful that you all have given me such a great community to write with. The creativity, quality of writing, and camaraderie here are incredible and I'm looking forward to another year!
Those who have been around for a…
» August Awards are Here!
Posted on Sun Sep 8th, 2024 @ 6:04pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News
Congratulations Crew!!
Thanks so much to everyone who participated this month! We did quite well with Theta Fleet's Awards!!
Our Gold Unit of Distinction for August goes out to ALL who participated this month, as does our August Award of Merit. I've attached those to your bios with a little note from the Captain.
Theta Fleet's Player of the Month goes to Marshal001/aka Clay McEntyre III. Congratulations out to them, as I've greatly appreciate the effort they've put into helping wrap up some pending missions.
I haven't mentioned Captain's choice in a while, and I hope to get back to…
» Mission Wind Down, Shore Leave, & More
Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 9:01pm by Captain Remy Johansen in General News
Hello faithful and trusty crew!
September is around the corner, and I plan to close out the Ataran mission by the end of the month. Any lingering posts will move to "Side Plots." If you are in something though, please try to get it complete by then. Your Captain appreciates you!
"Shore Leave & Ship Repairs" is open. I'll kick us off with a crew announcement here in a little. Feel free to start some fun posts while you wait for tags and wrap up current mission posts. But please, I beg you - please do wrap up the mission…
Latest Mission Posts
» After the Rockin' Christmas Party: Tyler's Meltdown
Mission: Happy Holidays
Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 5:00am by Ensign Tyler Williams & Ensign S'Niri
As he approached his quarters, Tyler was very thankful that the bartender had allowed him to have a bottle of gin and a bottle of vodka from the good stash and take it back with him, under the pretense he was hosting some drinks the next day. He was also appreciating the fact that he'd left everyone behind at the Christmas party so he could come back and drink in peace with some loud music. The doors and walls were soundproofed, right?
Half stumbling in, he called out, "Computer! Play my bass heavy music playlist at 65%, please!" The computer…
» Intro to the Slipstream
Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 4:49am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Dallas Reese & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters
A "Slipstream Specialist" is what he'd trained for and became. Not a Transporter Specialist like his original plan had entailed. Somewhere along the way, Dallas had found learning about the Slipstream at the Academy was actually quite interesting and he was happy when he got his preferred posting as a specialist for it on the Astrea.
Having been assigned his quarters and stashed his bag in them already, Dallas made his way down to check in with the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Winters, who was presently in his office. Even after wearing uniform throughout the Academy, it still felt…
» Diplomatic but Problematic
Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Posted on Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 10:28pm by Lieutenant Ryan Keel & Ensign Wrenleigh Reed
After the departure of Kayto and the rest of his crew, Wren had been left alone in the Diplomatic department with the exception of the Ataran Cultural Advisor, Jheva, but she wasn't really that talkative, which was fine by Wren. There had been rumours that she was going to be getting an actual department head this time, although she didn't know anything about them.
The only thing she did know for sure was that they had already arrived and were currently in the process of getting settled in. "Computer," she said as she sat in one of the Diplomatic…
» An Open Position
Mission: Side Plots
Posted on Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 9:22pm by Lieutenant Ryan Keel & Captain Remy Johansen
The Bridge was empty except for a security officer and two members of an engineering crew who were running some final diagnostics on recent repairs. Shore leave was winding down for most of the crew and they were beginning to report back in, but there wasn't a need for a proper Bridge crew for another day or so. Captain Johansen stepped onto the Bridge from the turbolift and addressed the crew to remain as they were before they had a chance to react to her presence and made her way to the Ready Room.
"Computer, hold the door open," she…
» Hints of the Breen, Freecloud is Getting More Crowded, Part 3
Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Posted on Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 1:57pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Lieutenant JG Xalanth
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