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Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 4:49am

Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters

Name Nash Winters

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 6-2
Weight 210
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Athletic, slim, fit, muscular. Moon shaped scar under his right ear from a childhood accident.


Spouse Sara Winters (nee Gardner)
Children daughter Alexandra 13, son Brunel 13
Father Nicholas
Mother Helen
Brother(s) Robert aka Bobby age 36
Sister(s) Heather age 26

Personality & Traits

General Overview Winters is a very talented and innovative engineer with flashes of brilliance. He commands the respect of his fellow officers, but does not like or appreciate the formalities of a command structure or chain of command. He knows the specifications of his Galaxy-refit-class ship practically by heart.
Strengths & Weaknesses Nash tends to take risks a little too easily and stands by his decision making. He will try anything once, sometimes to the detriment of the ship and crew. Conversely, his technical knowledge and engineering skills are second to none. Winters tends to lean toward the casual use of first names when on duty and reluctantly addresses officers by rank. Imperator's Commanding Officer has reprimanded him on several occasions but has learned to live with his Chief Engineer's idiosyncrasies.
Hobbies & Interests History, anthropology, paleoanthropology, music, chemical and mechanical engineering

Personal History While Nash was on board the Astrea the family went through several changes. First, Sara decided that now that Alexandra was older that she would start taking extension courses for a commission to officially work as a civilian contractor as well as work toward officer status so that she could participate in more of the ship's business.

The next was that they met Brunel, a young boy Alexandra's age who was orphaned on board an alien ship. Brunel had genetic mutations that him more than just an outcast, but would threaten his life if he were to return to his people. Sara was immediately interested in adopting him, and once Nash saw him and Alexandra together it was no question for him either - that Brunel was meant to be a part of their family. Once Starfleet discovered that the Ataran people were a slave owning society the adoption paperwork was finalized quickly.
Service Record Born 2344

Entered Academy 2362
Graduated Academy 2366
Assigned to USS Missouri, engineer
--Promoted to Lt. J.G. 2368
Utopia Planetia Shipyards 2369 -2371, engineer
USS Kennedy 2371 - 2373, engineer,
--promoted to full Lieutenant 2371
--promoted to Assistant Chief Engineer 2372
USS Excelsior 2373-2378, Assistant Chief Engineer
--Including a refit after the Dominion War
Starbase 515 2378-2384, Chief Engineer
--promoted to Lt. Commander 2380
USS _____ 2378-2389, (what ship did Kas and Fee come from?)
--Began command track program 2385

Married Sara 23__
Alexandra Born 2376