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Tue Feb 18th, 2025 @ 10:58pm

Lieutenant JG Thivi

Name Thivi

Position Head Nurse

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Kelpien
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 6'8"
Weight 75kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Purple
Physical Description Slender and lithe yet undoubtedly feminine, Thivi is a pleasant sight in hallway, with a sweet smile and gentle lilac eyes that never seem to blink, not while she's paying attention to you, anyway.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Ba'kar (presumed dead)
Mother Kivala (presumed dead)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family An uncle on her mother's side she spent some time living with.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Thivi strives to befriend literally everyone. No, really. Growing up in a rural community where everyone knew everyone else, she tries very hard indeed to see the good in everyone and anyone she sees, even that effort is misplaced. Her peers say that she radiates girl-next-door vibes, which certainly helps her goal of getting along with everyone very nicely indeed.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Friendly
+ Hardworking

- Tries too hard to make everyone comfortable with her
- Somewhat of a people pleaser
Ambitions - Start up a kindness campaign with her captain's permission. Do one good deed a day, that sort of thing.
- Commit every page of Starfleet's nursing manual to memory.
- Start a family, which is so far looking to be quite difficult...
Hobbies & Interests - The violin, which she picked up at Starfleet Academy. She was part of the Academy's violin ensemble before resigning to concentrate on her training and studies. She continues to play occasionally for relaxation today.
- Long, slow walks, preferrably with someone else.
- Swimming

Personal History Many Kelpien children would've loved to have a childhood like Thivi's. She was lucky to grow up in a well-to-do family in the capital city of Kaminar. Not once did she ever have to worry about getting sick or not having enough food on the table at mealtimes - which was unfortunately one of the factors that contributed to her treatment in school. Many of her classmates hailed from humble backgrounds and assumed her to be disconnected from them due to her privileged background. This was, of course, a harmful (and ultimately wrong) assumption - Thivi would, unfortunately, spend the first many years of student life shunned by her classmates and being accused of being out of touch with her less privileged peers.

Things went upside down when she and her parents chartered a civilian vessel to Risa when she was nineteen years old. They never made the full journey - their ship was raided by Orion Syndicate pirates and Thivi was seperated from her parents to be sold into slavery. She would spend several years being bounced around numerous owners of varying species. It was during this period, however, that Thivi learned that more often than not the people who bought her were in fact lonely or dissatisfied with life, and it was these experiences with them that made her realize that there wasn't quite enough kindness and compassion out in the universe.

Thivi's freedom would come when one of her masters' wife got tired of her husband spending more time with Thivi than her; knowing that the Kelpien was damn well smart enough to know where to go and what to say she gave her a shuttle and some money and told her to fly off to wherever she pleased. That she did, asking the shuttle's computer to navigate to Kaminar. Once again she didn't make it all the way there - this time she'd grossly overestimated the time it'd take to get her home, and the shuttle's engines ran out of fuel. Thankfully she was instead found drifting in space by the Yeager-class USS Prague, dehydrated and somewhat malnourished.

The Prague's medical team took care of her, and from there she requested to be sent home. Thivi quickly discovered upon reaching home that she was no longer content to stay on Kaminar, now that she'd come some way from being a spoiled upper-class college student. Having had the Prague's medical team tend to her had inspired her to go into the medical field, and she knew she had the grades to at least make entry requirement. Nursing school on Kaminar was not enough for her, however; she saw herself as one day being one of the nurses or doctors that'd nursed her back to health, to someone else. She would spend a few months studying while living in her uncle's home before moving to Earth to start life at Starfleet Academy.

No one recognized Thivi, thank goodness, nor did she tell them about her stint as a slave. She did become known as one of the hardest workers in her classes, often studying till late if she felt that she did not understand her content adequately, helping out her classmates wherever needed. She would have an active extracurricular life as well, however, spending much of her time with the Academy's volunteer club.

Upon graduation she would be assigned to the USS Rideout, where she would spend the first three years of her career. Of particular note would be the Rideout's relief mission to the mining colony Astris IV, where the ship remained for six months to help alleviate the strain on the colony's local hospital during a pandemic. Thivi treats these six months as some of the most crucial training she's ever had; no amount of Academy simulations on the holodeck could have prepared her for the workload and demands of the colony's sick population.

Thivi likes to think that it was this experience that got her posted to Starfleet Academy to be an instructor for her next assignment, though she was surprised to be posted to the Betazed satellite campus instead of Earth. Working with the local cadets was an entirely new experience; being able to read their patients' emotions simply by standing around them made her teaching go by much more smoothly than she'd originally expected, as did their use of telepathy to coordinate their practicals among each other. She would remain in her appointment for three years before being reassigned to the Imperator.
Service Record 2377-2383: Cadet, Starfleet Academy

2380: Appointed secretary of the Academy's volunteering society

2383-2386: Nurse, USS Rideout

2386-2389: Nurse instructor, Starfleet Academy, Betazed satellite campus