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Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 4:49am

Petty Officer 3rd Class Dallas Reese

Name Dallas Jacob Reese

Position Slipstream Specialist

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Rigelian
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 75kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel Green
Physical Description Tall and lightly built with a wiry frame
Looks similar to a Vulcan with the pointed ears and raised eyebrows
Thick dark brown hair that is shaved short
Hazel green eyes that have been dulled from trauma
A round scar on his left forearm from where his tattoo was forcibly removed
Multiple scars cover his body that were unable to be healed medically


Children Second cousin: Tristan Logan (7) - temporary guardianship
Father Jacob Reese (52) - Civilian Mechanic
Mother Leila Reese (nee Logan) (50) - Civilian Teacher
Brother(s) Kayden Reese (29) - Civilian scientific researcher
Lieutenant JG Brenton Reese (28) - Brig Officer, USS Andromeda
Other Family Cousin: Commander Danielle Logan (deceased) - former XO, USS Sentinel
Second cousin: Tristan Logan (7)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rigelians aren't commonly seen, so here's a rundown on what they're like:

Dallas, for all intents and purposes, is a people pleaser. He's most in his element when he's behind a bar mixing drinks, chatting to customers and being the person that everyone loved.

Or he used to be.

An abduction and inflicted injuries almost causing his death and the subsequent intense therapy after it has caused Dallas to lose the spark of life that made him who he was and gain a lot of PTSD.

For those he cares about, he will do anything for them, including his young cousin Tristan whom he's been granted temporary guardianship.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Hand-to-hand combat
- Charisma
- Empathy
- A good sense of direction from mostly unused psionic abilities

- Hypervigilance
- Anxiety
- A lowered sense of self-worth that he's working on regaining
Ambitions Professional:
- Advance as far through Starfleet as possible

- To be the kind of mentor to Tristan that would make Danielle proud
- Perhaps go back to being a part time bartender or lounge manager at some stage