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Sellers, Buyers, and Thieves

Posted on Tue Nov 12th, 2024 @ 1:45pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Sub-Lieutenant Osirin Acainus & Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Major Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Commander Eirly Andersen & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Lieutenant JG Xalanth & Ensign Cha'joga d/o H'gren

946 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Gone, Without Ever Knowing the Way
Location: Freecloud, Standard Orbit
Timeline: MD 0, Astrea's Arrival

Astrea left Barisa Prime poste haste with a priority course laid in for Freecloud. The crew was feeling mostly refreshed after more than their fair share of shore leave and with the slipstream drive engaged, Astrea made it to Freecloud in less than half the time it would taken them at standard speeds. As they entered the Alpha Doradas system they were no longer in Federation territory and Starfleet had no jurisdiction and even less clout. People travelled here to enjoy the lack of rules and restrictions on trade, goods, entertainment.

To get too close to the planet invited a barrage of advertisements attempted to target individuals of the crew based on a variety of of factors the scans could pick up. The crew had made sure their course fell short of falling into range of these advertisements.

As the ship came out of warp outside of Federation Space, Freecloud was on the horizon, and plenty of independent travelers - friend and foe were coming and going from the planet. The Bridge crew was alert as the Captain began to announce orders on arrival.

Captain Johansen stood up, "Ensign Cha'joga, take us out of warp. Don't get close enough to enter standard orbit yet. We don't need those damn ads trying to get into our computer system."

"Bringing us out of slipstream now." Cha'joga swiped down on her controls, slowly bringing the Astrea out of warp over the planet. She found the idea of Ferengi run ads invading the ship's computer pretty funny, honestly - obviously, capitalism and greed know no bounds. She began to guide the ship towards the planet, maintaining a healthy distance away all the while.

Maxun looked at the planet that was centered in the main viewer. He had visited Freecloud once before, before he had joined Starfleet. He leaned closer to Remy and spoke softly. "Even without the ads assaulting us, we should be prepared for numerous scans being made. A ship like this would be a very tempting prize to acquire."

"I'm no stranger to the area, Number One. That's why we've got the best on hand today," Remy responded.

"Lieutenants Xalanth and Capulet, I want extra eyes on our network. Divide and conquer and make sure you aren't seeing any breaches. If anything tries - and I don't care if it looks like an innocuous ad for a strip club in Rag City, I want it traced," the Captain added.

" Already on it Ma'am. I have the ship's security software running in case someone tries to slip something in." The red lizard responded from the tactical station.

Chrysanthe nodded. "I will log into the system as soon as we are done here."

"Excellent, Mr. Xalanth," the Captain responded. "Thank you, Lieutenant Capulet."

"Andersen and th'Kaasnik be on extra alert for any vessels, probes, drones, or UAE's that may be scanning us," Remy ordered.

"I'll get him up to speed with it, and make sure that nothing is able to get past us," Eirly nodded.

Remy turned the Clay, "Major, I want you to start working on a tactical analysis of any ship that is within range."

"Aye Captain. I'll need to divert some sensor resources from the Science Sections, it'll give us a better chance at anticipating any bad actors." Clay nodded as he moved to his station on the opposite side of the bridge from the Security Station behind the seat normally reserved for the ship's counselor.

The Captain turned to her First Officer, "Anything, I'm missing before we let our team know we're here?"

Maxun considered the question for a couple beats, then shook his head. "Not that I can think of Ma'am." He looked out at the faces of the gathered officers, as he continued, "Other than simply, this is the best crew in Starfleet, and we know you all have this. Good luck, everyone." He nodded, then glanced back to The Captain, to see if she had anything else to say.

Remy nodded at the first officer. It was good to encourage the crew.

"Commander Razka, can you use the Holana's comm systems to send Commander Winters a message and let them know we've arrived. Once you make contact, arrange to bring the Commander and Lieutenant T'lenn back for a debriefing."

=/\= Aye Captain =/\=

Kas's voice came through the COMM. Then a child's voice chimed in.

=/\= we're going to pick up Mr. Nash! =/\=

Kas made a purring noise.

=/\= My apologies Captain Razka out.=/\=

Remy shot an amused look to her first officer before sitting back down at the conn and looking at the control panel. "Keep an eye out for any signs of Pakled -- or Nausicaan activity in the region. When Commander Razka returns, I'd like to get Lieutenant Fulvia up here for a meeting in the conference room."

"Aye, Captain," th'Kaasnik responded from operations. "I'll notify Lieutenant Fulvia we're here," the ensign stated.

He added, "It's busy out there, Captain. If they are here, we're looking for smaller vessels, or something they've hijacked. I'm not seeing any usual Nausicaan or Pakled signatures."

"No, it wouldn't be that easy, would it." Remy stated as she sat back in her chair and pulled up comms from the region. "Needle in a haystack. Everyone, you know your strengths. Just keep looking."


Captain Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Commander Maxun Spello
First Officer
USS Astrea

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Major Clay McEntyre III
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Eirly Anderson
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet
Science Officer
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. Xalanth
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
USS Astrea

Ensign Cha’joga
Helm Officer
USS Astrea


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