Assignment Opportunity
Posted on Tue Feb 11th, 2025 @ 1:39am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Alexandra Blackstone & Admiral Cameron Downing
Edited on on Tue Feb 11th, 2025 @ 1:45am
1,710 words; about a 9 minute read
Side Plots
Location: USS Sun Tzu
Timeline: (Helping Brunel / Shore Leave Missions)
Admiral Downing was known to visit ships in her own fleet from time to time, but not usually on such short notice. The Admiral wasn't situated to be in charge of any medical divisions, so her request for a private meeting with Dr. Blackstone struck the captain of the Sun Tzu as unusual at first, but when the admiral decline to answer the captain's questions, the captain brushed it off as a likely personal medical manner.
The truth was that Admiral Downing was eyeing one her newest promotions a little more closely than Captain Johansen realized. It wasn't that Downing didn't trust Johansen - quite the opposite. But, the young captain had made some rather unusual moves recently, and with factions causing even deeper divides at Command that were starting to spread throughout the entire fleet, the last thing that Downing needed was for one her own captains to get caught doing something stupid even if it were for the purist of reasons. The best way that Admiral Downing could figure to help Johansen right now was to make sure that Johansen didn't fail.
Downing patiently sipped her coffee, a nondairy caramel latte, extra hot, and waited patiently in Sickbay's conference room for the neurosurgeon to arrive.
Alexandra stepped into the room after several minutes, still wearing a surgical gown. She stepped around the table to the opposite side of the Admiral and took a seat. “Sorry for the delay, Admiral. It seems that the resident trill on board has been sick for some time and neglected to mention it.”
She gave a small grimace, easing back into her chair and eyed the coffee that the Admiral had on hand. “So, what can I do for you?”
"No need to apologize, Doctor. I'm here a bit unannounced, and I don't presume the quadrant revolves around me - least not a physician tending to someone's medical needs," Downing replied. "I came out here to ask you to consider taking an assignment onboard the Astrea. It was commissioned just a few months ago, and it's Captain Johansen's first command. As a science officer she was starting to step into your field a little bit before the synth ban took effect, though her project was shut down before it could really take off."
Alexandra thought through the matter carefully for a moment; the consideration plain on her face. “Well, I have been looking for a change of scenery, and pace. I can’t say that I am familiar with Captain Johansen but I did hear about the commissioning of the Astraea.” She looked to the Admiral for a moment longer and then nodded. “I do have one question though; why choose me? I make it a point to try and fly under the radar.”
"I spoke with a colleague at Starfleet medical about what qualifications I was looking for, and your name was at the top of the list," Downing admitted. "Astrea recently made first contact with ancient race of people that were unknown to us. I'm told the El Aurians had thought they were extinct. The remaining population was in a form of cryostasis that their medical team revived."
"There's a child who will be staying on board who was apparently born with some neurological defects, some of which have become life-threatening," Downing explained. "He's getting treatment now, but his race is unknown to us, and he's not yet gone through puberty, and it's my understanding that it is unclear what other special needs may arise."
"The Assistant Chief Medical Officer position is about to open up, and the other senior physician on board has made it clear that he is not interested in any promotions that would require administrative responsibilities," the admiral added.
“I see; it does seem that my expertise is likely needed; particularly with my studies. What species is this ancient species closest to? I may be able to draw some comparisons.” Alexandra was all business now, though inside she felt a small surge of excitement.
"I'm not sure if that's been determined yet. I'm aware of a recent incident at a diplomatic reception where a large number of attendees became seriously ill. It took the medical staff some time to determine that alcohol is essentially poisonous to them. They were in cryostasis for so long though, I think there was some debate about whether inherently genetic or possible damage for being in stasis for a millenia. I'm no physician though, you can probably make better sense of the reports than I can," Downing admitted.
"There is another Ataran staying on board, a young woman who hopes to study for Academy examinations and possibly earn a sponsorship. She will be interning in the Diplomatic Division and has been a helpful resource," the admiral added.
“Are you asking me if I will examine and help her prepare for a sponsorship? I know how difficult that process is… having helped several others with their preparations.” Alexandra offered a small smile and then nodded in deference to the Admiral. “What exactly is the overall mission of the Astraea, Admiral? I would like to have some idea of what to expect.”
"The captain and someone in the diplomatic division plan have already offered to work with her, so it's really up to your interest level regarding that. She is healthy though, and wants to help Brunel as they were both orphaned," the admiral explained.
"As for Astrea's mission, she's assigned to the sections of the Typhon, Omicron, Beta, and Yadalla sectors along the Romulan neutral zone. The regions most heavily impacted by the Hobus supernova. The Artifact is also situated near the borders of the Typhon and Omicron sectors. They are monitoring instability in the region, and trying to maintain peace among our border regions, especially those who have taken on Romulan refugees. Captain Johansen's last assignment was as a first officer on a science vessel, that is still temporarily tasked with a similar mission."
The admiral continued, "I will tell you that when the ship was refit, Sickbay was completely gutted. The Medical Bay is much larger now with more lab space, and the most recent technology. While it boasts a strong Tactical and Marine division out of anticipated necessity right now, we also wanted it to be able to provide excellent medical care because we know that's always a need and a service we can provide to improve quality of life which can often ease diplomatic tensions."
"Also," the admiral smiled and kept talking before the doctor could respond. "The school facilities are great too. The kids on board have plenty of space and full access to Deck 11. I believe there are at least a few children on board already that are the same age as your daughter."
“Galactic peacekeeping; ever the mission for Starfleet that never ends; isn’t it? Galaxy Class Refit?” She scratched beside her temple as she thought for a long moment before continuing. “Obviously, Admiral, I am happy to get to examine a new species and compile reports and information to add to the Medical Database; it has been quite some time since I have been anywhere near the Romulan neutral zone, however. I may be a little out of practice on treating Romulan physiology if it becomes necessary.”
Alexandra stood, stepping to the replicator and ordering Earl Gray tea and taking a sip before seating herself again. Once she was situated she searched the Admiral’s face for a moment. “Alright, I’ll take the transfer. It will get my daughter an opportunity to see more of the galaxy. It might do some good for her studies. When do I need to report by? I have a couple of patients that I need to get reassigned to some colleagues.”
Downing smiled at Alexandra's response. "Astrea is en route to our space station at Barisa Prime for repairs, and the crew will be taking shore leave on the planet. The repairs should take 3-4 days, but the plan is to be there the full week barring any emergency deployment. There are other crew joining them there, and it would be an easy transition if you could make it while they are docked there..." Downing waved her hand impassively, "Though if you needed more time, there are other physicians on board, so it's not an emergency request."
“Barisa Prime? The irony of this request is that I was just there not so long ago; one of the station Engineers got caught by a major plasma discharge and needed brain surgery.” She gave a small smile. “It will be give me an opportunity to check on her before boarding. What are my travel arrangements going to be?”
"It depends on how long you need to wrap up here. I wouldn't mind spending a few days out here and I can have my ship take you out there if you like," Downing offered. "Otherwise, it's no trouble arranging a transport. There are several other officers going there for reassignment, so we'll find something not too out of the way."
"I should be ready to go within 36 hours; most of what I have to do is reassigning patients to my colleagues but that is a fairly simple process." She smiled as she looked to the Admiral. "I'll happily take transport on your vessel, Admiral."
"Please don't rush," Downing said sincerely. "I'm sure your daughter might like some time to say goodbye to friends she has on board. I'm not trying to throw your family in turmoil. But I am pleased you are taking the assignment."
"Any other questions that I can answer?" Downing asked as she stood up.
"Not that I can think of at the moment, thank you, Admiral." Alex nodded, watching the Admiral stand and picked up a PADD off her desk, scanning its contents briefly. "I should get back to work... and get started on the transition."
"I'll start processing the transfer," Admiral Downing said with a nod, a proud smile on her face.
Lieutenant Alexandra Blackstone
Chief Medical Officer, USS Sun Tzu
Starfleet Medical

Admiral Cameron Downing
Starfleet Command